compete in the London Heathrow Youth Games . . . call 020-8365 7470 . . .

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   Sports Development
   Trust Policies


Tottenham Grammar School Foundation
In addition to its work in the Academic Studies: Celebrating there Ter Centenary Year, the Foundation has Funded numerous Sporting Activities and Events in the Haringey Area. Many Haringey Clubs have benefited from the Support of the Foundation such as: The Haringey Sports Club; Grammariens RFC; The North London Youth Sailing Trust; Haringey Cricket College. These are just a small sample of the numerous Clubs that have benefited. Much support has also been given to the Area of Disabilities. Without their support the work in Haringey would not have reached the heights and depth of excellence.

The Hornsey Parochial Charities
Clubs and Organisations supporting the Hornsey Area have benefited from the support of the Charity due to the involvement in the Promotion of Education including Social and Physical Training.

Haringey Council
The Council's Leisure Services are supporting this Programme financially and are committed to building up Partnerships with Sports providers; to increase opportunities for Sports and Leisure for young people in the Borough. (Chair of Leisure Sub-Committee: Clr Kyriakos Fiakkas/Deputy Chair: Clr Ray Dodds).

Haringey Sports Development Trust
Haringey Sports Development Trust arose from the belief and determination to continue and develop full support to Haringey Schools within the field of Sport and to continue to build on the foundation established for Full Holiday Programmes and Comprehensive Development Programme for Primary and Senior Schools in Haringey. Achieved Awards for: Best Practise in Community (BURA) and Girls Football (Football Association).

Haringey Sports Development is a Charitable Trust and a Company Limited by Guarantee (England and Wales). Registered Number 2890964. Registered Charity Number 1033081

White Hart Lane School
Continued support for the use of its sports facilities during and after school hours, and support for the Development Programme.