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   Coach Education
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   Shine Awards
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   Whizz Kids

   Whizz Kids Camps
   Haringey Jogging Club
   Sports Development
   Trust Policies



April 2012

Principle 1: Age, Deprivation, and a multi-sport offer
Doorstep Sport Clubs focus on the 14-15 age group in disadvantaged communities and provide a mix of multi-sport and single sport sessions. Doorstep Sport Clubs help young people to stay involved in sport and get the sporting habit. StreetGames commissions reserch to find out what works in keeping people active and shares the findings.

Principle 2: Equity
Doorstep Sport Clubs match the demographics of their catchment area. They proactively work with girls, disabled young people and the BME community. Some clubs are girls only or specialise in disability sport. Clubs can use the 'Us Girls' brand..

Principle 3: Monitoring, Evaluation and Research
Doorstep Sports Clubs recognise the importance of recording what happens and upload key data on our online system. We will commission research to capture the impact of Doorstep Sports Clubs, including key trends, issues and best practise..

Principle 4: Branding, Marketing, Communications and Public Relations
It is important that Doorstep Sports Clubs benefit from a strong, respected brand within the sports industry that is attractive to young people, sponsors and funders. In addition, effective communications with and between participants is critical to the success of doorstep clubs..

Principle 5: Financial Sustainability
To achieve a long-term impact in the community they serve Doorstep Sport Clubs plan for financial sustainability. We help clubs to become sustainable by attracting local and national investers as well as increasing other income generation..

Principle 6: Specific sports in partnership with NGBs
Most NGBs welcome Doorstep Sports Clubs and support them to provide specific sports opportunities, often using adapted fun versions of the sport, as well as new competitions, new leagues and new coach education..

Principle 7: Youth Action
Doorstep Sport Clubs are opportunities for Youth Action - a concept which stretches traditional ideas of volunteering to include young people having a large say in running the club. Doorstep Sport Clubs grow a generation of young people who lead sport as coaches, sports leaders, and organisers in their own neighbourhood. Our successful young volunteering programme, run in partnership with the The Co-Operative, s available to clubs..

Principle 8: Doorstep sport Clubs encourage lifelong participation amongst their members
In addition to encouraging regular participation with Doorstep Sports Club activities, it is our ambition for Clubs to equip their members with the appetite, skills and knowledge so that they are able to make their own way into lifelong participation. It may be that today's basketball participant goes on to independently use a leisure centre, gym, jog or cycle, play in a small sided football league or join a mainstream club..

Principle 9: Partnership and Collaboration
Doorstep Sport Clubs share and work together to ensure the network is vibrant and successful. Sharing top tips and innovation is part of Doorstep Sport Clubs. Doorstep Sports Clubs work in partnership with local organisations that share our values and policy concerns and embed themselves in community life. It is likely that Doorstep Sport Clubs work with health, community safety and community development agencies..

Principle 10: Workforce Development
Training, mentoring and qualifications are at the heart of Doorstep Sports Clubs. Clubs train a generation of skilled coaches to work with this youth market and often coach more than one sport. A training offer for volunteers, sport activators, administrators, and project managers is available. All coaches, leaders and organizers can join the yet-to-be set up Doorstep Club Organiser's Group.