Underway since April 2013, Make Your Move is a 2.14m pound Sport England Lottery Funded ring fenced grant programme for Sporta Member Trusts.

Sporta members are all charitable social enterprises who manage leisure and culture facilities, and deliver community development and health programmes.

Make Your Move invests in projects designed to recruit inactive people (0 x 30 minutes per week) within local communities, consult and involve them in the design; increase their physical activity levels, and retain them in a 1 x 30 minutes per week of physical activity/sport.

As a programme overview, to date:

  • 1.27m pound invested so far in 29 projects, being delivered over three funding rounds (one final round has just closed);

  • Total costs of the 29 projects equals 2.7m pound, when the value of trust and partnership funding is included;

  • Created new national partnerships that have developed into local delivery, e.g., Slimming World, Zumba, English Federation of Disability Sport, the Older Men's Network, The Football League Trusts, ASA, England Athletics and Great Run Local;

  • Projects involving multiple trusts working cross boundaries, and multi geographical projects being delivered through one trust or as a collective.
As well as developing and delivering a portfolio of projects, Make Your Move and Sporta, have a commitment to learn and importantly share what does and does not work when recruiting and retaining inactive populations, and to reflect back on the programmes and projects as a whole.

The commitment is being delivered through in depth evaluation throughout the three years. This will include qualitative project and participant case studies, quantitative monitoring and interpretation, independent reflective evaluation, participant story films and 'off the shelf' project kits. All of the evaluation has been set up to be open and honest, and is designed around the National Obesity Observatory 'standard evaluation framework for physical activity interventions'.

During the programme, the aim is to demonstrate the impact of the trusts in delivering sport and physical activity projects in communities right across the country. Make Your Move will help to demonstrate why trusts are well placed to deliver this offer to inactive populations and show trusts as a potential solution provider to physical inactivity

To find out more, please visit the dedicated Make Your Move website,